12 Types of Adaptive Drought Tolerant Plants and their Innate and Enthralling Characteristics

Dry weather comes and goes, but there should never be a dry moment for your gardens! 

Hot temperatures should not prevent you from coloring your garden with different plants and shrubs. Even if there are dry spells and no rain for an extended time, some plants still keep going strong and bloom in dry environments.  


Don't these plants sound amazing? Of course, they do!

Such plants are called drought-tolerant plants, and they come with no extra baggage while providing the ideal landscape and scenery for your homes.

So, what are drought-tolerant plants? What are their characteristics? How many types of drought-tolerant plants exist?

All these questions are valid, and this blog is here to help you answer all of them. So, let's get started!

What are Drought-tolerant Plants?

Usually, drought-tolerant plants are thought to be the ones that survive only in deserts. However, this is not the case! 

Drought tolerant plants are simply those plants that can survive in all kinds of dry climates, be it rural or urban. Interestingly, these plants are the same as everyday flowers and plants that we come across with lush, colorful characteristics.

Some Common Characteristics

These kinds of plants come with some standard features, which are as follows:

  • Minimize water loss and use less water because of natural adaption to dry environments

  • May have fewer leaves and more needles

  • Sometimes, the leaves may come with a heavy accumulation of wax that conserves water for the plant

  • Presence of fine hairs to conserve moisture on the leaves 

  • Have deep roots that pull moisture 

  • Require less maintenance and care 

Types of Drought Tolerant Plants


If you plan on designing or landscaping anytime soon and are confused about which plants to select, read the following list to decide easily! 


Although there are more than a hundred species of aloe, the first thing that pops up in our minds when we hear the word is Aloe Vera. 

However, other members, including soap aloe, jewel aloe, and coral aloe, make great drought-tolerant landscaping plants. These plants have a mottled appearance and consist of grey and greenish leaves.

In summers, these plants require water once a week, while the cooler temperatures in winter do not demand any additional watering.


Lavenders are the iconic and colorful plants of the Mediterranean climates and grow quickly in sunset zones and thrive in well-drained soil. 

If you are looking to design your garden landscape with flowers that are water-wise, fragrant, and handsome foliage, then they are a great choice. 

Best of all, these plants are multi-purpose and can be dried to make oil and products such as potpourri and fragrant sachets. They can also be consumed with cakes and ice-creams! 


Not only does Yarrow make your garden proud by bearing heat like a pro, but this perennial is also a great flower! 

The plant comes in many colors that include red, yellow, and orange, among others.  Its extensive roots and divided leaves reduce transpiration and allow it to survive drought conditions anywhere. 

Also, the flowers produce a lot of nectar which attracts bees. 



In case you have a fetish for aromatic plants, these are the best choice! Agastache also has the quality of blooming in autumns and summer. 

Nicknamed as the 'Desert Sunrise' plant, it is a popular category in drought-resistant plants with a broad palette of colors and fantastic versatility. 

These flowers bloom in full sun as well as in dry to medium moisture. 


Sedum is another flower amongst the hundreds of varieties in its species that are drought resistant and survive in harsh conditions. No matter which variety you wish to plant, their fleshy leaves will help the flower store water for any dry spell.

Russian Sage

It is probably one of the toughest perennials out there! Russian sage comes in shades of purplish-blue and can stand cold and poor soil conditions in addition to droughts. 

Even if you plant it in the sunniest area in your garden, it will not disappoint, and that is its best quality!


We usually react negatively to cactus plants due to their sharp exterior, but little do we know that it's one of the few plants that thrive in dry environments.

The thorns that make cactus undesirable quench their thirst and help them survive!



A mixture of yellow and orange shades, marigold flowers have a carnation-like shape and are as forgiving to the climate as beautiful they are. Not only this but they also actively drive away pests while providing scenic beauty to your garden.


These clump-like plants form clusters and come in a lot of shades with a hard texture. Interestingly, the hotter the weather, the more these flowers will bloom! 


Moreover, these shrub-like plants require less water and are also pest resistant. 


This one is quite versatile! Its flowers come in velvety and fuzzy textures. Like other drought-tolerant plants, Zinnia plants grow well in hot, intense temperatures and work well even without water. 

Due to their colorful aura, they attract lots of bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. 

Kangaroo Paw

An Australian plant by origin, it has a total of 11 species that grow naturally in dry pastures and sandy locations. 

These plants survive in dry spells due to the sap that is contained in their roots. However, supplementary water may be required once a month in case of no rain in summers. 


It is an exceptional drought-tolerant shrub consisting of glossy leaves that change color in the fall. It easily tolerates sandy, gravely, and acidic soils as well as the heat intensity of the sun. In addition to this, these shrubs add a unique touch to your landscape. 


Drought-tolerant plants are resilient plants that can survive with a minimum amount of water. Therefore, they should be your ultimate choice if you live in an area that is dry and lacks a constant water supply.

LASD Studio is a california based landscape architect and garden designers providing services worldwide, and aims to live in balance with nature and provide clean water, air, soil resources for the next generation.

If you are looking to design a garden with drought-tolerant plants in San Diego, get in touch with landscape design in San Diego California now to avail the best garden and landscape designs for a sustainable and better future! 

Life sustainably now, for those in our next generation!
Life begins with you. LASD studio.


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