LASD Studio: Landscape Architecture, Sustainability & Design.
Your Bridge to Nature’


The Temple of Wolf

A Dedication to the Primal Forces of Nature
(downloal book here for free, of buy it on web)

Wolves, as apex predators, are key to the performance and evolution of ecosystems. In the absence of predators, prey species often overgraze or reproduce uncontrollably, leading to imbalances in the environment. However, with wolves in the picture, the entire ecosystem becomes more efficient. Through their collective hunting strategies, wolves accelerate evolutionary processes—prey species are forced to adapt faster, move more quickly, and breed in greater numbers. This keeps the food web in motion and fosters a balanced and thriving landscape.

Christo et Jeanne-Claude, The Floating Piers, (2016), Italy.

The creative practices using nature as a material and taking place in outdoor environments have existed since the dawn of civilization. Throughout ages, landscape has been treated with different intentions and visions. In the 20th century, a contemporary art movement appeared and was named Land art. The creations of this movement are stunning inspirations for architectural and creative designs taking place in natural landscapes.


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Your Bridge to Nature

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Abstract Landscape Architecture

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EXTRACT: I was always curious - how does the fine art affect landscape architecture and urban design? What if a canvas will be a landscape or an urban space? Landscape Architecture is probably one of the most challenging art, it deals with art and with science at the same time. Abstract landscape architecture is the theory that inspired by contemporary art. The intention of this work is to bridge abstract art with the landscape architect and urban design movement nowadays. This publication will guide through the history of art and the evolution of landscape architecture. Secondly, you are invited to look at the principles and method for designing abstract landscapes. Lastly, it is a journey to explore conceptual abstract landscape architecture projection Urban Canvas. The intention of Urban Canvas is to bridge the philosophy of abstract landscape with reality providing understandable results. This work published with the support of LASD Studio: Landscape Architecture. Sustainability. Design.


Your powerful retreat with your new landscape design

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EXTRACT: I can discover an easy and proven way to heal my energy, and help guarantee my future health and happiness. Create an outdoor inspirational environment with the unique concept from LASD Studio. I will love the result of POWERFUL daily retreat
with my new landscape design by LASD Studio. I cultivate a deeper compassion, acceptance and a higher purpose in life for the continuous unfolding of love and gratitude to our mother Earth by LASD Studio design services.
If I am in need of Powerful Retreat for my spirit and body energy, I shall create a new outdoor environment, I will receive an inspirational space for the peace of mind with energy restoration because there is LASD Studio team ready to make it
for me. > continue reading, download your free copy


The Unsung Heroes of The Fight Against Covid-19

The power of plants based on researches

EXTRACT: The Unsung Heroes of The Fight Against Covid-19 

The power of plants based on researches Intention of this article is to provide resources as native prophylactic rather than treatment of covid-19

As search efforts for both cure and vaccine for coronavirus intensify globally, now would be a good time to resort to herbal-based treatment methods. It wasn't my plan to write about this at first. Still, I realized that a surprising number of people were clueless about the healing benefits of the biological and cultural diversity around them. Meanwhile, covid-19 is one of the most aggressive virus nowadays. Unfortunately, today this virus is everywhere around us. This article is created with the hopes of helping as many people as possible to prevent covid-19 infection successfully. We were not selling or promoting anything, just an unbiased look at how we cause nature to fight coronavirus. We share the knowledge that older than human civilization. This knowledge arrived from the natural evolution and healing beneficial effects. For ages now, humankind has depended on plants for sustenance and medicinal applications. Recently, the majority of healthcare features mainstream pharmaceutical medicines, including pills and other drugs. The caveat is that it usually takes years to find the correct combinations of elements and to carry out enough drug trials before mass production and distribution of a drug for public use. Resorting to nature and exploring our origins in nature could be the magic pill. According to the existing body of research and knowledge, plant-based cures containing specific select active ingredients, which have proven effective against viral diseases in the past, could help fight covid-19. Naturally, plants are the perfect 'vaccine' in the way they are capable of purifying the atmosphere and air around the home. They make the air bacteria and virus-free through the natural exchange of gases and other chemicals. Some of the plant varieties also used for food have health-related benefits as well. Caution should be taken to exhaustively research the plant and the various edible strains and their dosing requirements to prevent allergies when you use them. > continue reading, download article for free

Designing landscapes as evolutionary systems.

Iurii Lotonenko. Master thesis: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 26th of August 2013.

EXTRACT Recent years manifest the changes in a theoretical debate in designing landscapes. The landscape that was dened by a very static and conservative nature is shifting towards the direction of constant changes and evolution. The impetus for writing this paper was the work of ‘ Designing landscapes as evolutionary systems’ by Martin Prominsky. The bases for these debates were the works of J. B. Jackson ‘Landscape Three’ and R. P. Sieferle ‘Total Landscape’.The landscape is a system of many processes that are constantly changing and evolving in an unpredictable way. The landscape is not a static pastoral scene but rather a system that constantly evolves over the time and space. In addition, an aesthetic of these landscapes is changing from classical, scenic landscapes to a relational aesthetic or ‘System Esthetics’ described by Jack Burnham. The work examines the theories and projects relating to the concept of the evolving landscapes. The investigation reveals that the design deals with high level of complexity, integration of time and adapt to the future uncertain.The aims of the thesis are to investigate and to test the theory for designing landscapes as evolving systems. The investigation found common principles in the design: link to the past, holism, creativity, adaptability and formlessness.In addition, the paper proposes a proceeding method for the designing landscapes.The new approach in the designing landscapes was implemented in a concrete design task. Proceeding the set of principles and working method the paper proposes the strategic Masterplan for the development of the site of one of the biggest technogenic catastrophe in the world – Chernobyl catastrophe of 1986.Principles and method proposed in this paper have shown its ability to work with complex issues of modern landscapes exemplied by Chernobyl Exclusion Zone project.

Aesthetic of Landscape and Urban spaces.

Iurii Lotonenko. Liyri: Copenhagen, Denmark. 14th September 2017.

I was always curious - how does the fine art affect landscape architecture and urban design? What if canvas will be a landscape or an urban space?
[ 1 ] PICTURESQUE LANDSCAPE In Renaissance times landscape was considered as a constant environment. Also,the main idea of that time was in the creation's perfection of ideal landscapes. This idea described in the concept of ‘Landscape Two’ by John Brinckerhoff Jackson.The landscape characterized as ‘ permanent position both in the social and topographical sense, that gives us our identity’ (Jackson, 1984, p. 152).The landscape was shown as very static, constant, scenery element of a person’s life.‘A landscape identified with a very static, very conservative social order,and that there can be one true philosophy of nature: that of landscape Two.’ (Jackson, 1984, p. 155).In addition, the landscape was seen as a gently organism and of course an inspiration for many painters. In pictorial art, the paintings of Claude Lorrain are reflecting the idea of seeing a landscape that time. At that time the landscape was seen as a pastoral scene with balanced unity of man and nature.
 The overview of the theories described the new approach in landscape architecture and urban design. It describes the landscapes as a system of processes that evolve in an unpredictable way, an uncertainty of future changes. Moreover, it is switching the aesthetic from classical, ideal pastoral scenes to more relational aesthetic.Parc de la Villette proposal by Rem Koolhaas is a an extremely complex example of processes that in some way could be related to the artworks of Kandinsky, Kleeand Mondrian.
‘Finally, we insist that at no time have we presumed to have produced a designed landscape. We have confined ourselves to devising a framework capable of absorbing an endless series of further meanings, extensions, or intentions, without entailing compromises, redundancies, or contradictions. Our strategy is to confer on the simple the dimension of adventure.’ (Koolhaas & Mau, 1995, p. 934).
 To sum up this period, I would love to mention Kandinsky and Bachelard:
`In general, the ideal balance between the head (conscious moment) and the heart (unconscious moment—intuition) is a law of creation, a law a sold as humanity.` (Kandinsky, 1935).
 Also, Gaston Bachelard described this concept as`joy in accepting limitations`(The Psychoanalyses of Fire, Bachelard, 1938).
`Bigness is the last bastion of architecture - a contraction, a hyper-architecture. The containers of Bigness will be landmarks in a post-architectural landscape - a world scraped of architecture in the way Richer's paintings are scraped of paint: inflexible, immutable, definitive, forever there, generated through superman effort.` (Koolhaas & Mau,1995, p. 516).
If we talk about modern art and in particular Abstract Expressionism we might refer to the works of Jackson Pollock, Mark Rotko, Williem de Kooning.The main concept behind of Abstract Expressionism that art should come from the unconscious mind with the main aim expressing emotional power. Also, there are no limitation by clear form or objects.
 Abstract art has helped us to experience the emotional power in pure form. Anton Ehrenzweig.
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Evolution of Landscape and Urbanism.

Iurii Lotonenko. LinkedIn publication. 9th September 2017.

EXTRACT [Rather an open question…]  `The permanence of even the most frivolous item of architecture and the instability of the metropolis are incompatible. In this conflict the metropolis is, by definition the victor; in its pervasive reality architecture is reduced to the status of a plaything,tolerated as décor for the illusions of history and memory. In Manhattan, this paradox is resolved in a brilliant way: through the development of a mutant architecture that combines the aura of monumentality with the performance of instability. Its interiors accommodate compositions of program and activity that change constantly and independently of each other without affecting what is called, with accidental profundity, the envelope. The genius of Manhattan is the simplicity of this divorce between appearance and performance: it keeps the illusion of architecture intact, while surrendering whole heartedly to the needs of the metropolis. This architecture relates to the forces of the Grosz stadt like a surfer to the waves. ` Rem Koolhaas, 1978. (from S, M, L, X, L. 1995)  ‘Designing landscapes as evolutionary systems’ by Martin Prominsky, 2005. The bases were the works of J. B. Jackson ‘Landscape Three’ and R. P. Sieferle ‘Total Landscape’. The main debates were about a new way of seeing Urban, Landscape, Total Landscape, Third Nature… Following the idea, Evolving landscape system is a system of many interrelated processes that are constantly changing and evolving in an unpredictable future way. The landscape is a system that constantly evolves over the time and space. Second part what I found interesting was that an aesthetic of these landscapes is changing from classical, scenic landscapes to a relational aesthetic or ‘System Esthetics’ described by Jack Burnham in 1962. Finally, the critical issue for me was the relation between landscape and the history art.  Lately, somewhere in 2013, I tried to describe some of the main principles:  1.     Link to the Past  This principle emphasizes the importance of the relationship between past and upcoming future. A link between the past and the future is important, since it tells us about the history of the place. This principle considers reality as a result due to the contribution of previous processes.  2.     Holism  The second is components of the landscape. Landscape system consists of many components and define a whole system. For instance, holistic approach is sustainable approach in many different ways – nature, human, urban life, processes… These components and processes form the landscape together.  The last one is relations. The components and processes is one interrelated coherent system.  3.     Creativity  ‘Relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2011).  This principle suggests that landscape is unique. The principle suggests that there is simply no common creative tactics to design the landscape project.  It is the creativity of our mind that looks for a way out of a problematic situation. This principle suggests that the landscapes as evolving systems does not limit, but encourage the creativity.  4.     Adaptability  We will try to operate in the future, however, we don’t know an exact result of the design because of future unpredictable changes. An evolutionary landscape system deals with integration of time and future uncertainty in the design. Therefore, landscape becomes more adaptable according to the future unknown processes.  5.     Formlessness  Landscape system includes a set of processes that are constantly changing and evolving. Therefore the materiality is also changing. Moreover, the character of the changes ongoing is uncertain. The processes that will take place in the future are also not defined. Therefore the form what we see does not carry any meaning.   ‘formlessness’ = open for the future changes.

Urban Canvas.

Iurii Lotonenko. LinkedIN publication. 16th September 2017.

Urban canvas is an abstract composition with a given to place specific program of perception and experience of unconsciousness mind withing freedom of form that evolves and mutates naturally through the time.