Top 8 Techniques for Stormwater Management and Their Benefits. San Diego, California.

Have you ever faced the problem of excess water gathering on your rooftop or driveway after a heavy rain or snowing session? Did you ever get tired after spending hours cleaning it out?

From airports to highways and forests, stormwater has been a problem in rural and urban areas for ages after spells of rain, snow, and ice. 

Stormwater Management

It is widespread to see stormwater which the ground has not absorbed flow into the streets and corners. Unfortunately, it does not commute alone and picks up pollutants along its way. 

To solve this problem, an effective stormwater management plan needs to be executed!

Now, what is stormwater runoff? What is stormwater management and how is it done? What are its benefits?

If you are looking for the answers to these questions, you are at the right place as this blog will help you answer all of them. So, let us jump right in!

What is Stormwater Runoff?

The residue water remains stranded on grounds, streets, and industrial areas such as construction sites. It is also found in natural habitats such as forests and near lakes and rivers, ultimately flowing into the rivers.

To solve this issue, a stormwater drainage and management model is required. 

How to do Stormwater Management?

Storm Water Management can be defined as the effort or process to reduce the runoff of water and channel it to other sources to improve water quality. 

The primary purpose of this program is to detain the stormwater while removing the pollutants. 

Benefits/Importance of StormWater Management

Let us take a look at the importance of this system:

1. Maintains the hydrological cycle

It replenishes groundwater supply for agricultural and domestic purposes and helps maintain the soil moisture responsible for sustaining vegetation. 

Stormwater Management benefits

If the groundwater recharge is lost, it can reduce the flow in streams which can have harmful effects on the aquatic species. 

2. Prevents Floods 

Constructive management of the stormwater also helps to keep floods in check. If you live in an urban area, the chances of flooding are higher due to less vegetation. 

This is because intense thunderstorms and downpours can increase the runoff of water unless managed wisely. 

3. Sustains Water Quality

It would sound strange, but the water outside your house could ultimately affect the water quality inside it! 

Stormwater management can reduce the impact of contaminated water sources that supply water to households. 

In addition to this, contaminated water which contains grease, metals, and pesticides will eventually be carried to the river bodies such as rivers and lakes, causing immense water pollution. 

4. Prevents Soil Erosion 

Stormwater Management

With proper stormwater management techniques, soil erosion can be prevented in rural vicinities by maintaining agricultural land productivity. Otherwise, stormwater runoff can wash away the rich soil cover of the land. 

Top 8 Storm Water management techniques

After readings the benefits of stormwater management, let's learn about some sustainable techniques of water management:

1. Infiltration Trenches

Deep or shallow trenches can be dug and lined to collect the stormwater, which can then be released back into the soil. 

However, trenches need to be correctly located and maintained to prevent clogging or groundwater contamination. 

2. Green Roofs

If you are tired of taking care of the runoffs, a green roof is a great sustainable stormwater management technique! 

Green roofs are a top-notch solution to prevent water accumulation and storage for people living in urban areas.  They are roofs that are equipped with vegetative covers that trap the rainwater and avert it. 

Green Roofs

The thin layer of plants would definitely help as these roofs are an extension of a conventional one that includes installing a layered system of membranes, plants, and substrate. 

These roofs come with many plus points as they also contribute to the hydrological cycle by releasing the captured water back into the atmosphere. You see, it's a win-win situation! 

3. Dry Detention Basins

One of the most common solutions for stormwater runoffs is dry basins which are adaptable to any climate. 

Although they contain water for a limited period, the basins allow the pollutants and particles in the water to settle at the bottom of the pond. From there on, the water is released into lakes and streams.

Dry basins are a prevalent measure to control flooding as well. 

4. Permeable Pavers

Permeable pavers are interestingly the pavements in houses and buildings with just a slight modification. They come with voids in between that filter the water and infiltrate the precipitation into the ground and the soil.

Permeable pavements serve as an attractive landscaping feature while fulfilling the purpose of keeping driveways, patios, and walkways clean. 

5. Rain Barrels and Cisterns

Stormwater Management

Other popular and practical techniques are barrels and cisterns, which are low-cost systems installed to collect the stormwater from roofs and walls for later use.

This water can be used for other purposes such as gardening or watering the lawns. 

6. Underground Filtering 

This is a process whereby stormwater can be managed underground by passing through a filter that has been manufactured using special cartridges. 

These facilities collect the water from your site through an underground inlet pipe, simultaneously filtering it. 

7. Sand and Organic Filters

Again, these filters are used to separate the stormwater from pollutants and metals. 

A standard sand filter contains two to three chambers and buildings. Interestingly, it takes up significantly less space. Moreover, it can be used on highly developed sites as well. 

8. Riparian Buffers

These buffers are basically particular areas near lakes or streams where development is not allowed. The reason is to protect marine areas from any hazards or destruction. 

Thus, stormwater is managed by trapping the pollutants and toxins of the water in these buffer zones. 


If you are looking for best stormwater practices - choose trained professionals to do the job for you, contact LASD Studio today!

LASD Studio aims to live in balance with nature by providing clean water, air, and soil resources for the next generation.

So what are you waiting for? Visit LASD Studio now and get ready to avail the best garden and landscape designs in California for a sustainable and better future!


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